Energy Healing Books: Energetic Introduction to the Practical Mastery™ Healing Modality

Energetic Introduction to the Practical Mastery™ Healing Modality

I began downloading the Practical Mastery™ healing modality in late 2005. It began as a series of twelve clearing sessions and morphed into a full blown healing modality with over six hundred sessions. I have attuned Practical Mastery™ healing practitioners in over fourteen countries and there are several Practical Mastery™ web sites in languages that I cannot read.

I am delighted to be able to offer this book to help introduce people to Practical Mastery™. What I love about this modality is that it helps people to function as masters of the third dimensional school we call Earth. There are five major types of sessions: Clearing, Profile Purges, Abundance, Emotional Mastery and Enlightenment. Profile purge sessions help clear out the less-than-love mental programs, patterns, beliefs and thought forms. Emotional Mastery sessions help people to release the fear-oriented emotions and anchor and operate from the love-oriented ones. When I meditated on a description for Practical Mastery™, here is what I got:

“Practical Mastery™ is not so much a healing modality but a set of tools for activating and accessing the divine within you. These tools will propel you into greater levels of your mastery. “Practical Mastery™” is designed to allow individuals to receive great levels of healing that is 100% aligned to the Creator.”


The $49.95 price includes Internet access to four healing videos that retail for $108.


Practitioner Training

Bill Austin has been training spiritual healers and attending Reiki Masters for several years. He currently offers five training programs for healers seeking to expand their expertise.