Self Help & Healing Tools
Background of the Four User Friendly Holistic Healing and Self Help Tools
After I finished writing my free e-book on vibrational color healing art , I asked what my next project was. I got that I needed to create some simple self help tools for clearing, healing, blasting negativity and enhancing positivity. I played around with several approaches to this, but none of them felt right energetically.
I really wanted to create some very simple, easy-to-use tools that everyone could easily access and apply to receive as much clearing, healing and energetic support as they could with ease, grace and divine ideal integration.
Around the middle of April, I gave up on trying to figure this out and surrendered it to the Creator. As soon as I did this, I saw or felt the coding begin to come in. I went to the computer and channeled the list below of the coding for the first of the four tools. The first one that came in was for clearing; the second one was for healing and the third one was for joy. Then after a break of several days the last one came in for freedom.
I have been using them several times a day now - not only for myself but also for participants in my Daily Holistic Healing Support Program and the 28 Day Blasting Program - and I am amazed by how powerful they are. They feel as sparkly and powerful as the Universal Clearing Profile and my line of Blasting sessions so I am very very excited to be able to offer them to folks.
Click on the links below for more information:
User Friendly Self Help Clearing Tool
User Friendly Self Help Healing Tool
User Friendly Self Help Clearing Tool
I created a clearing profile that people can run automatically using a simple command several times a day to help you to:
Clear, heal and ameliorate as much karma and karmic cords and hooks as possible in the NOW.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve negative and non-you energies, influences, beings, implants, EMF stuff, technologies, etc. from your home, car and all real and personal property
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve negative and non-you energies, influences, beings, implants, interference, mind control, manipulation, devices, cords, hooks, technologies, etc. from your energetic spaces, fields, organs, systems and bodies with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve negative energies, frequencies, beings, implants, influences devices and technologies from your chakras, meridians, strange flows, nadis, acupuncture points with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve anxiety, guilt, blaming, judging, complaining, fear, tension, worry, stress, anger, impatience, depression, despair, sorrow, hopelessness, negativity on all levels and resistance to change with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve self sabotage, doubt and negative self talk.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve lack, scarcity consciousness and financial adversity.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve addictive patterns, programs and behaviors; addictions that are no longer aligned with your highest good and cravings for addictive substances that are no longer aligned with your highest good with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve negative programming, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors from your family of origin, religions, society and mass/duality consciousness with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve genetic and energetic weaknesses, allowances, blocks, imbalances, trauma, illness and disease states with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to being calm, neutral, centered, balanced, grounded and at peace no matter what is going on around you with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve negative energies, frequencies, interference and manipulation from your money, personal finances, financial and economic exchanges and interactions.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve low levels of deserving, self esteem, self love, self confidence, self acceptance and self worth with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve negative energies from food, water, beverages, oxygen and anything digested or ingested into the human bloodstream with ease and grace.
All of this is to occur with ease and grace in ways aligned with the highest good of all that support the spiritual evolution of each being with ease and grace in the NOW.
There are two levels of attunements to access and utilize these powerful tools - a personal use version (where people are attuned to access and utilize this tool for only themselves) for just $47 and a practitioner version (where people are attuned to transmit the energies of each tool not only to themselves but also to other people as well) for $147. I also am offering a significant discount for people who order all four tools at one time.
User Friendly Self Help Healing Tool
I created a healing profile that people can run automatically using a simple command several times a day to help you to:
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve genetic and energetic weaknesses, allowances, blocks, imbalances, trauma, illness and disease states with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to optimum physical health and well-being on all levels with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to optimum emotional health and well-being on all levels with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to optimum mental health and well-being on all levels with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to optimum spiritual health and well-being on all levels with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal and release negative programming and self talk from the subconscious mind and personality self/selves with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve emotional wounding, trauma and damage to the inner child and personality self with ease and grace.
Angelic Love and Healing Washes for:
Minds, Brains, Nerves, Neurons, Neuronets and Ego Mind/Programming;
Genetics, DNA, Chromosomes, Genome, Epigenetics and Epigenome;
Chakras, Meridians, Strangeflows, Nadis and Acupuncture Points;
Physical Organs (including but not limited to brain, liver, small/ large intestines, heart, lungs, pancreas, spleen, eyes, ears, nose/sinuses, tongue, stomach, sexual organs, teeth/gums etc.);
Physical Systems (including but not limited to central nervous, circulatory, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine gland, digestive, elimination, reproduction, skeletal, muscular, immune, etc.);
Endocrine Glands and Associated Organs and Systems;
Quantum, Atomic, Subatomic and Cellular Parts, Particles and Fields;
Water Element of the Physical Body;
Blood, Hormones and Body Fluids;
Body Toxicity and All Toxic Substances Held or Stored in the Physical Body;
Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Hair, Skin and Physical Senses of Touching, Seeing, Smelling, Hearing and Taste;
Spine, Spinal Column and Vertebrae and Related Organs and Systems;
Inner Child and Personality Self/Selves;
Physical/Etheric, Emotional/Astral, Mental/Causal and Spiritual Bodies, Organs and Systems;
Negative Feelings, Thoughts, Attitudes and Self Talk; and
Higher Self, Soul, Over-Soul and Monad.
All of this is to occur with ease and grace in ways aligned with the highest good of all that support the spiritual evolution of each being with ease and grace in the NOW.
There are two
levels of attunements to access and utilize these powerful tools - a personal
use version (where people are attuned to access and utilize this tool for only
themselves) for just $47 and a practitioner version (where people are attuned to
transmit the energies of each tool not only to themselves but also to other
people as well) for $147. I also am
offering a significant discount for people who order all four tools at one time.
User Friendly Self Help Joy Tool
I created a healing profile that people can run automatically using a simple command several times a day to help you to:
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve any blocks you may have to accepting, loving, appreciating, trusting and believing in yourself as well as being true to yourself with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to accepting, embracing, expressing and embodying love, happiness, joy, gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation, health, patience, wisdom, clarity, discernment, compassion, inner peace and high self esteem with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to magnetizing and aligning with your highest good; accepting and allowing your highest good into your life and attracting the most perfect possible people, events and circumstances into your life with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve self sabotage, lack, scarcity consciousness and blocks to accepting, embracing, expressing and embodying abundance, gratitude, appreciation, prosperity and success on all levels with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to making lots of money easily and effortlessly.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve genetic and energetic weaknesses and imbalances as well as blocks to optimum physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being on all levels with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to being calm, neutral, detached, calm, safe, centered, grounded, balanced and at peace at all times.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to accepting, embracing, expressing and embodying the highest level aspect of your monad with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to taking responsibility for every aspect of your life and living in the NOW with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to creating and maintaining positive, loving, healthy and supportive relationships with your family, friends and co-workers with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to creating and maintaining strong and healthy boundaries with other people with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve any negative energies from within or those you take on from other people or the planet with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve anything and everything that blocks you from creating the most perfect possible day for yourself with ease and grace.
All of this is to occur with ease and grace in ways aligned with the highest good of all that support the spiritual evolution of each being with ease and grace in the NOW.
There are two
levels of attunements to access and utilize these powerful tools - a personal
use version (where people are attuned to access and utilize this tool for only
themselves) for just $47 and a practitioner version (where people are attuned to
transmit the energies of each tool not only to themselves but also to other
people as well) for $147. I also am
offering a significant discount for people who order all four tools at one time.
User Friendly Self Help Freedom Tool
I created a healing profile that you can run using a simple command several times a day to help you to:
Bring in divine ideal level of energetic clearing, shielding and protection is aligned with your highest good for you; your DNA, genetics and epigenetics; your minds, brains and personality self/selves; your atomic, subatomic, quantum and energetic spaces, fields, organs systems and bodies; your aura, chakras, meridians, acupuncture points & energetic organs/systems; your home, land and personal property.
Unplug from the 3rd dimensional matrix and to clear, transmute, heal and release less-than-love beings, influences, energies, patterns, programs, manipulation, mind control, interference and infiltration as well as all hidden, covert, shielded, intermittent less-than-love beings, influences ,cords, hooks, implants, technologies across time, space, dimensions, directions, angles and vectors with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal and release anything and everything that restricts, suppresses, limits or lowers your immune system; personal energy level and vibration; love, light and service quotients; money flows and any blocks to realizing your full potential, magnetizing your highest good to you, embodying the highest level aspect of your monad and achieving the most loving destiny of greatest service to the Creator.
Clear, transmute, heal and release addictions, cravings for addictive substances, self sabotage, bad habits, sleep disorders, money disorders and eating disorders with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal and release less-than-love and negative patterns, programs, influences, energies, beings, technologies, implants, cords, hooks and devices from business; culture; music; art; TV; the Internet; radio; movies; media; videos; newspapers; advertising; blogs; magazines; books; religions; government; political organizations; financial and economic organizations, interactions and exchanges.
Clear, transmute, heal and release radiation; pollution on all levels; EMF?s and all toxic substances stored or imprinted in the body or ingested into the bloodstream and the fluids or water component of the body.
Clear, transmute, heal and release all people pleasing; co-dependency; low levels of self esteem and love; beating up on yourself; giving power to and taking power from others; not being true to yourself; toxic family-of-origin beliefs, feelings, emotions, patterns, influences, attitudes and programming; toxic religious beliefs, patterns, influences and programming; toxic mass and duality consciousness beliefs, patterns, influences and programming; lack and scarcity consciousness; guilt; neediness; negativity; judging; complaining, blaming; stress; anger; sadness; loneliness; fear; depression and all downer emotions.
Clear, transmute, heal and release less-than-love and misaligned energies from traditional and alternative healing practitioners, doctors, nurses, healers, dentists, offices; hospitals, clinics, technologies, prescription drugs, OTC drugs, treatments, medical equipment, vaccinations and all food, water, beverages and anything digested or ingested into the human bloodstream with ease and grace.
Clear, transmute, heal and release anything that blocks you from becoming and being energetically free, independent, sovereign, neutral, grounded, centered and balanced at all times no matter what.
Clear, transmute, heal and release less-than-love and misaligned energies from your genetics, blood lineages and past/present/future/parallel lives with ease and grace.
All of this is to occur with ease and grace in ways aligned with the highest good of all that support the spiritual evolution of each being with ease and grace in the NOW.
There are two
levels of attunements to access and utilize these powerful tools - a personal
use version (where people are attuned to access and utilize this tool for only
themselves) for just $47 and a practitioner version (where people are attuned to
transmit the energies of each tool not only to themselves but also to other
people as well) for $147. I also am
offering a significant discount for people who order all four tools at one time.
There are two levels of attunements to access and utilize these powerful tools - a personal use version (where you can transmit the energies from each tool to just yourself) for just $47 and a practitioner version (where you can transmit the energies from each tool not only to yourself but also to others) for $147.
I also am offering a significant discount for people who order all four tools at one time. If you order personal use versions of ALL four self help tools at the same time the price is $170. If you order practitioner versions of ALL four self help tools at the same time the cost is $470.